Declare God’s Word

31 Declarations by Pastor Bruce Edwards

Declare God’s Word


I want to encourage you to take this “31 Day Challenge”.   I have included  “31 Declarations from God’s Word” that you can speak over your life.  Choose to take the CHALLENGE and begin making those declarations for the next 31 days and believe God to perform that word in your life. The great thing is the power of God’s Word is not based on our abilities, or how we feel, or anything else. We simply must choose to declare His Word and believe it, then He WILL perform it. His Word is a live and powerful. (Hebrews 4:12) Will you take the challenge?

Be Blessed Pastor Bruce Edwards

31 Declarations of God Will for Your Life

  1. I DECLARE I am a child of God, forgiven, and loved by God. I will serve the Lord all the days of my life with gladness. (Romans 8:16; Psalms 100:2)
  1. I DECLARE I hear and follow the voice of the good shepherd and follow not the voice of the stranger. I am doing the right thing, in the right way, and the right time. (John 10:4-5)
  1. I DECLARE that the goodness and mercy of God are following me every day of my life. I will live in the house of the Lord forever. (Psalms 23:6)
  1. I DECLARE I have favor with God and with man. I am surrounded with favor like a shield. Now is my time. This is the appointed time of Gods vision for my life to come to pass. (Proverbs 3:4; Psalms 5:12: Habbakuk 2:3)
  1. I DECLARE no weapon formed against me or my family will prosper. His angels have charge over me and no evil will come near me or my home. I fear no evil. (Isaiah 54:17; Psalms 91:11; Psalms 23:4)
  2. I DECLARE I have perfect peace in my life and I am a peacemaker therefore I am blessed. I pursue peace with all people and in every situation. Great is my peace. (Isaiah 26:3; Matthew 5:9; Hebrews 12:14)
  1. I DECLARE I am more than conqueror. The Lord always brings me through and I am victorious. I am a winner in Christ. (Romans 8:37: 1 Corinthians 15:57)
  1. I DECLARE I am not intimidated by the enemy and I have a sound mind and a spirit of courage and boldness. I am prepared and ready to face every challenge the day brings. (2 Timothy 1:7: Ephesians 3:12)
  1. I DECLARE God is opening the windows of heaven over my life and I am experiencing the abundant life Jesus came to give me. Unexpected blessings are coming my way. (Malachi 3:10: John 10:10b)
  1. I DECLARE all my needs are being met. I am not barely getting by, but I have more than enough. I am able to sow into every good work. (Phippians 4:19: 2 Corinthians 9:8)
  1. I DECLARE I am not weary in doing the good things God has called me to do. I will not quit, but I will persever and overcome. I will reap a harvest on the seeds I have sown at exactly the right time. (Galations 6:9)
  1. I DECLARE I am valuable because of who made and because of the price Jesus paid for me. I am here for a divine purpose. No one else is like me. I have been fearfully and wonderfully made by God. I am unique, special and extraordinary to God. (Psalms 139:14)
  1. I DECLARE I am forgiven by God. I have no fear, guilt, or condemnation in my life because the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death. I walk in freedom and liberty by the Spirit. (Ephesians 1:7, Romans 8:1; 2Corinthians 3:17)
  1. I DECLARE I am right with God not because of anything I have done, but because of what Jesus has done. He has take my sinfulness and given me His righteousness. I am the rightousness of God in Christ Jesus! (2Corinthians 5:21)
  1. I DECLARE that the Spirit of Christ is alive within me, giving me a passion to do things God’s way, and delivering me from every bad habit, addiction, and/or vices. I am putting off the old and putting on the new. (Galations 2:20; Ephesians 4:22-24)
  1. I DECLARE that our government leaders and all world’s leaders will have Godly wisdom, they shall be led by the spirit and love of God and they be covered with the grace and mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ. Those who are unsaved will be saved and the ungodly will be changed or removed, for the will of God to be done in all the world. (1Timothy 2:2)
  1. I DECLARE I am living by faith and not by sight. I am not moved by what I see or what I feel. I speaking to the obstacles and barriers in my life to be removed. I have the faith of God in me. (2Corinthians 5:7 Mark 11:22-23)
  1. I DECLARE greater is He that lives in me than he who is in the world and that the same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead is alive in me. (1 John 4:4; Romans 8:11)
  1. I DECLARE tI will not worry, I will not doubt, I will keep my trust in the Lord confident He will not fail me.
  1. I DECLARE I love God because He first loved me! His love for me is unconditional and never changing. There is nothing that seperate me from His love. (1John 4:19: Romans 8:38)
  1. I DECLARE I am receiving an abundant supply of wisdom and understanding from God. I will know how to apply God’s word accurately in every situation. I am receiving Godly wisdom that wisdom that is pure, peaceable, gentle, unwavering, willing to yield, without hypocrisy. (James 1:5: James 3:17)
  1. I DECLARE I am receive supernatural strength and encouragement from God and my angels and they are carrying out the Word of God and every word that I speak that lines up with the Word of God is being carried out by angels, even now as I speak. (Psalm 103:20)
  1. I DECLARE I will be FRUITFUL, I will MULTIPLY, I will REPLENISH, I will SUBDUE, and I will have Dominion in this world each day of my life! (Genesis 1:28)
  1. I DECLARE I will only think on things that are true, honest, just, pure, lovely, and of good report. I cast down vain imaginations and thoughts that are contrary to things of God. My mind is ready and obedient to the Word of God. (2 Corinthians 10:4,5; Philippians 4:8.)
  1. I DECLARE satan has no power over me. I have been delivered from the power of darkness and translated into the Kingdom of God’s dear Son. (Colossians 1:13)
  1. I DECLARE Every thing that happens to me or around is ultimately working together for good in my life because I love God and I am called according to His purpose. (Romans 8:28)
  1. I DECLARE I am equipped for every good work that God has planned for me. I am called and anointed by God to serve Him. I will fulfill my destiny. (2Timothly 3:17)
  1. I DECLARE nothing is lacking, broken or missing in my life. I am whole and complete in Christ. (Colossians 2:10)
  1. I DECLARE everything and anything that has been lost or stolen is being restored. I am pursuing, overtaking and getting back everything the enemy has taken. (Joel 2:25; 1Samuel 30:8)
  2. I DECLARE I am the healed of the Lord. I walk in divine health and wholeness. I have a sound mind, strong spirit, and health body. (1Peter 2:24; 2Timothy 1:7)
  1. I DECLARE I am the head and not the tail. I will lend and not borrow. Every thing I put my hand to prospers. (Deuteronomy 28:13)

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